Thursday, April 12, 2012

It is 1:34 am and I have finally finished putting this blog together. Josh is working on building a website for a school assignment this very moment. Luckily, it's spring break for me and Josh doesn't have class tomorrow so we are OK to stay awake later than usual! :)

For my very first blog post, I thought I'd go back to the beginning, where it all started! I want to briefly tell the story of how Josh and I met! :) The beginning of our love story as Josh likes to call it!

On March 22nd, 2011 I met Josh for the first time. My best friend Emily and I had decided to go the gym that evening. I lived in Payson with my parents at the time, and Em lived in Elk Ridge with hers. We were going to go to the Spanish Fork gym, but for some reason I had an odd desire to go to the Provo gym. Even though the Provo gym is much further and it's more gas money and time, I felt like we should go there. It wasn't some huge prompting or anything... rather a small thought. The thought popped into my, and I thought "Why Not?" I was the one driving and so Emily didn't mind if we went to Provo instead. So off we went!

When we got there, I went for a long run. I needed to clear my mind from many things. Emily started doing weights and we kind of went our separate ways. After my run, I decided to go find Em. I found her doing abs. ;) There weren't any free machines near by so I decided to just wait until she was done. While I was waiting and fussing with my little ipod, I noticed a guy walk past me wearing a golds gym shirt. He walked into the office right by where Em and I were. A few minutes later, I guess he stepped out of the office but I didn't notice. I didn't notice until I heard him say "Do you like your ipod?" We then talked for a little over a minute. Josh was very friendly and just asked me about myself. After we were done talking, he told me to have a nice evening!

HMMMM!!! I didn't know what to think of that? Was he hitting on me? Or... was he just being friendly? He was probably just being polite, he did work there after all! When Emily and I were leaving the gym, I said to her "He was a nice guy! He just seemed like a really good guy!" Then Emily said "You should leave your number for him!" I thought.. NO WAY! I don't leave my number for guys. I never have before. :) Plus, I didn't think he was interested in me anyway... and I really, really didn't want to date anyone. I was so done with dating! (Isn't that what always happens? The guy or girl just about GIVES UP on dating/love, and then BAM.. they meet that person who changes everything)!

Emily sarcastically repeated back to me.. "Do you like your ipod?" ;)
OKAY, so I kind of took it on as a dare! I was apprehensive to want to date anyone or put myself out there ever again... but I thought, okay, I can do this. I figured if he didn't call, it didn't matter anyway... and if he did call and I didn't like him.. well it's always okay to just get to know new people... plus, it's free dinner! :)

So.. I left my number at the front desk. I didn't think he'd call. I didn't really think much of it at all. After that, I went home and went to bed.

I didn't think much of it at all that is, until the next day when I get a voicemail from a guy named Josh, saying he'd like to go out! ha ha! I honestly didn't know what to do! I hadn't really wanted to go out, because I didn't feel like I was ready to like someone.. and deep down, I had a hunch that this guy might be the kind of person I'd like.

So, the story has it that I was busy for while. I didn't call him back for a few days... but sent a courtesy text because I felt like I was being mean. All the while I was fighting myself. ;) I didn't want to date, but I knew I needed to get out there... and I knew that Josh was different. My small 2 minute interaction with him at the gym made me feel that way. He was just... different. That's all!

So, two weeks after that first phone call, we finally set up our first date. It was a simple first date. It was also the most refreshing date i'd ever been on. There didn't seem to be anything romantic between us, because we didn't flirt... we mostly just talked like friends. We met up around 9:15 at Yozone Frozen Yogurt, and talked past midnight.  I had to get up at 5:00 am for work the next day. I was so tired! Little did I know, that was just the beginning of many sleepless nights I would have! But it was all worth it!

The next four weeks FLEW BY!! Since our first date at Yozone, we were together every single day. With each passing day, I started to fall more and more in love. Every second I was with him I felt reassured that he was the guy for me! It was just this overwhelming feeling of peace that I had... I didn't know I could feel this way about someone so fast. The amazing thing was.. I wasn't scared, afraid or hesitant at all. This was all new to me.

So, there I was... walking in my parents footsteps. I used to always tease my parents about how quick their engagement was! I told my mom I would NEVER do that. I could NEVER meet someone and get engaged to them 4 weeks later. I guess the phrase "Never say Never" rings true for me!

We got engaged on April 25th and it was the happiest day of my life up to that point!! :) He asked me to marry him at The Roof Restaurant. The Salt Lake Temple was in our view and our song was playing..... "Everything" by Michael Buble


  1. This is such a cute post Lauren! LOVE IT!

  2. Hey cute girl - I love your blog! I'm way excited to follow you! My blog is This is a fun way to stay in touch! xoxo

  3. I love your story!! And your proposal may have made me tear up a bit... I am so happy you have a blog!

  4. Glad you got a little blog! Never say never...I was engaged after four weeks also! When you know you know.

  5. I'm so glad you have a blog Lauren! Your story is so sweet. You two met on the day Grace was born, and you were married on the day Natasha Dansie was born so obviously it's fate!
